Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Rs.50,000/- to families of 4 Rongyong Chu Victims

Mangan: The search for the bodies of the four workers with Siwalik Geological Services Pvt.Ltd who were swept away by the RongyongChu on August 16 near Lingzya,Upper Dzongu continues but to no trace of anyone of four victims.

On 19August a Search team consisting of In charge Siwalik GS Harbhajan Singh,Store In-charge of Mohali Satnam Singh,AE Panan Project Laksing Lepcha,PRO Samten Lepcha,Police personnel and Many project labourers made futile search on the river banks and areas along Dikchu,Pheedang and Stage V Dam site but to no avail.

The family members and friends of the victims arrived on site to join the Search. The Siwalik Geological Services Staff here informed that all the four victims had been insured with the Company and conveyed their faith and hope in the recovering of the missing bodies and that the insurance money would be handed over to the as soon as the formalities and official procedures were completed.

On Same day families of the four victims were handed over Cheques of Rs.50,000 /-each from Siwalik Geological Services Pvt. Ltd. while the relief fund was provided to the other two labourers Ashok Majhi and Ramesh Majhi,who managed to escape the fury of flash flood on fateful night but lost their essential items like food ,utensils and cash to flood.

According to the public of Sakyong here,a similar flood occurred sometime in year1974 when the Posamram Chu had been clogged by the landslide at Singbu Chyok Peak above Sungnot ,where a landslide had created a natural dam this year.That was the last time they remember a flash flood of such intensity occurred.

(Deepak Sharma for Now daily)