Saturday, April 14, 2007


GANGTOK, April 13: Shortly after the state Congress voiced its bitterness towards the Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF) government before the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh headed by its party President Nar Bahadur Bhandari, the SDF today staged strong against the Sikkim Pradesh Congress Committee (SPCC) refuting the latter’s allegations as ‘baseless’.
A recent press note of the SDF today lambasted that the state Congress with its President NB Bhandari could do nothing other than carrying complains to the Centre on unfounded issues.
‘Bhandari, who claims to have huge support in Sikkim, is actually alone in the state and this is the reason he could not organise a single public meeting in any part of the state’, opined the SDF today, adding that ignorant of the meaning of democracy, Bhandari still possess a dictatorial mind and to mask his weaknesses keeps finding unconfirmed faults of the state government.
Accusing the government at all times crying decline in law and order situation of the state by way of pointing on issues like suicide of a judge years back and personal scuffle of two individuals (Upadhyaya-Lepcha clash) reflects that Bhandari is habituated of accusing SDF on no grounds, the press note of the SDF reads.
Answering to the Congress President’s s contention that the SDF is selling off the rivers and streams of Sikkim, the party today clarified that production of hydro electricity will not only fulfill the state’s growing need of electricity, but also bring in substantial funds to the state exchequer. ‘If Bhandari allege thus, then why in his tenure he used to repeat that Sikkim has the potential of producing huge amount of electricity by its water resources?’, the SDF inquired.
Taking a strong exception of the recent demands of Sikkim Bhutia Lepcha Apex Committee (SIBLAC) as for early reservation of seats in Assembly for Nepalese of Sikkimese origin and other demands, the SDF today declined the same as ‘baseless and shameless’.
‘The memorandums, letters and committee’s publications and history submitted to the central government by SIBLAC reveled its real character, opined a SDF release today adding that the committee will never reach to the Sikkimese people, thus to cover its limitations it keep finding faults in the present government.