Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tempo Bhutia superannuates after 35 years of service to STCS

Sonam Gyamsto Pulger takes charge as new MD of STCS

GANGTOK, August 11: Tempo Bhutia today bowed out of State Trading Corporation of Sikkim (STCS) after giving 35 years of his life to one of the oldest and high profile public sector undertaking in the State.
Out of these 35 years before his superannuation, Mr. Bhutia had served as the Managing Director (MD) of STCS for around 15 years uninterruptedly, a record in itself in corporate annuals of the State.
Mr. Bhutia joined STCS in 1974 on one year’s probation period and was regularized the following year as the assistant commercial manager. He swiftly rose in the ranks of the STCS due to his hard work and commitment and finally took charge of body as its MD before retiring today at an age of 58 years.
Sonam Gyamtso Pulger, the Chief General Manager of the STCS has taken over as the MD of the undertaking. The handing and taking over of the charge was done today.
The STCS is the trading body of the state government and supplies like hardware, LPG and other goods are supplied through STCS. STCS was set up when Sikkim was a kingdom.
Speaking to media today, Mr. Bhutia said that he had given his best to STCS during his long service of 35 years. “I tried my best. But its human nature that you cannot be satisfied and I could have done better”, he said.
Among his achievements, Mr. Bhutia pointed out that STCS used to have annual turnover of Rs. 5-6 crores earlier. Now the annual turnover now is just below Rs. 100 crores, he said.
However, the best satisfaction Mr. Bhutia drew was that STCS still survives despite problems and attacks. “I feel that it is my big achievement that STCS has survived despite attacks”, he said.
Another glorious chapter in his career was that Mr. Bhutia was made Resident Commissioner of Kolkata for 3 times in the year 1984, 1985 and 1994 – the only corporate individual to do so.
“I am also thankful that the new MD is from within STDC”, said Mr. Bhutia.
Mr. Bhutia is also the president of Sikkim Football association (SFA) which is affiliated to the All India Football federation. He is also an executive member of AIFF.
Speaking on his post retirement life, Mr. Bhutia expressed his commitment to give more time to SFA and a host of other social organizations he is associated with. “I will try to activate the Art of Living Foundation,” he said. He is also the patron of Sikkim Viklang Sahatya Samiti and the vice president of Kalyan Ashram.
“I will fully occupy myself social activities”, said Mr. Bhutia on his post-retirement life. He added that he will also try to activate Civil Defence of which he is the warden of Tadong area.