Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sikkim is fully geared up to tackle the danger of swine flu: Chief Minister

Medical teams to screen inbound passengers, tourists at border check posts from today
GANGTOK, August 11: Sikkim is fully geared up to tackle the danger of swine flu, said Chief Minister Pawan Chamling today according to AIR Gangtok evening news broadcasted at 6:40 am.
According to the AIR Gangtok broadcast, the Chief Minister said some 10,000 Tamiflu tablets have been stocked in the State to take care of the swine flu victims, if any.
Mr. Chamling further said that a medical team of four doctors and staff each are being dispatched to all the four border check posts with the neighbouring West Bengal State at Rangpo, Melli, Nayabazaar and Rhenock tomorrow morning for on-the-spot screening of the inbound passengers and tourists.
The Chief Minister said that the State has all the facilities of testing and treating swine flu, the AIR Gangtok broadcast said. He was also quoted as saying that there is no dearth of preventive masks either in the State