Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Doctors at STNM Hospital Force Fed Hunger Strikers Dawa Lepcha & Tenzing Gyatso Lepcha

STNM hospital decided to feed them with the Ryles tube.

photo:Dawa & Tenzing On Day1 of Hunger Strike
भोक हडतालमा बसेका दुइ सदस्य दावा टी लेप्चा र तेञ्जिङ ग्याछोलेप्चाले मङ्गलबार नाकबाट तरल आहार लिए।
Gangtok, July 31: Two members of Affected Citizens of Teesta, who have been fasting for 43 days, were today force fed at Sir Thutob Namgyal Memorial Hospital.
Dawa T. Lepcha and Tenzing Gyatso Lepcha were admitted there more than 15 days ago. Dr Namgyal T. Sherpa, a senior medical consultant, observed that since “both of them had very high level of ketone bodies” which could affect the kidneys and lead to “serious complications” any moment, the hospital decided to feed them with the Ryles tube.
The ACT members are on hunger strike to demand the immediate scrapping of all the mega hydel power projects in the Lepcha reserve of Dzongu in North Sikkim.
The Sikkim government, which had earlier issued an ultimatum to the protesters to withdraw the fast and yet remained silent after its expiry, today invited ACT members for another round of talks.
The opposition parties submitted a joint appeal to chief minister Pawan Chamling, urging that the state should give up its “adamant” stand and resolve the crisis.
Yesterday, the parties had called on Sikkim Governor V. Rama Rao and submitted a memorandum seeking his intervention.
ACT today thanked the Lepchas of Darjeeling hills for organising a peace rally yesterday to express solidarity. “We consider it a valiant effort by our brethren…to save Dzongu and the Lepchas,” the chief coordinator of ACT Tseten Lepcha said.
The Sikkim Times Note : it may be mentioned here that it is now clearthat Dawa &Tenzing have agreed to be fed by tube only on ground of medical urgency" therefore possibly this could not be termed as initiation of any step to break hunger strike at their own will. Therefore,Satyagraha Continues as they continue to refuse "to eat".