Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Dzongu: A public meeting on the impact of hydel projects on the environment was organised by Concerned Lepchas of Sikkim, popularly known as CLOS on July29 at Passingdang,Dzongu in NorthSikkim and was attended by around 180 residents from area including Hee-Gyathang, Sudur, Lingthem,Lingdem and Lingdong Barfok.
The meeting with aim to create better awareness and education among the residents of Dzongu on adverse impacts of hydel projects on surrounding environment was addressed by representatives of various organisations which have come together under the Sikkimese Association for Environment (SAFE) and also by Affected Citizens of Teesta (ACT) vice-president Chopel Lepcha. The gathering was also addressed by the prominent personalities such as President of Gangtok based NGO Sikkim Citizens Forum Thukchuk Lachungpa,SAFE spokesperson Hem Lall Bhandari,Chukie Tobden, and Convener Bharat Basnet, CLOS president Gyatso Lepcha and other ACT members including Tshering Ongdup.
CLOS president highlighted the importance of organising such meet in light of the fact that there is urgency and pressing need for the general public of Dzongu to fully comprehend the stark realities of negative impacts of hydel projects on their lives,land,and livelihood in broader sense.
Mr.Lepcha highlighted the adverse impact of hydel projects as witnessed and experienced by instances of damages being suffered by the affected people of Teesta Stage V and also stressed that indefinite hunger strike at BLHouse led by Dawa and Tenzing was not personal endeavour but being carried out for better future of Dzongu and its people.
Mr.Bharat Basnet of SAFE defined the satyagraha and sacrifices of Dawa and Tenzing with their indefinite hunger strike as a historic movement for Dzongu and emphasised that there is no political motive is involved in coming together of all the people and personalities present on occasion but out of a broader sense of responsibilities as concerned citizens and solicited support and solidarity from Dzongu and its people to endeavour of ACT.
He further highlighted that till date 26 MoUs had been signed by State Government for various hydel projects,while 14 more were pending and if all these projects are implemented, Sikkim would be a direct target of cultural and environment onslaught these projects together would cause and would be biggest environment and cultural disaster. He also spoke of support ACT has received from all corners including Kalimpong,Darjeeling,and abroad.

SAFE spokesperson Mr.Hem Lall Bhandari in his speech stressed on point that since Dzongu was a backward area,the hydel projects were forcefully applied on it by State Government without any regards of Old Law's of Sikkim. He also said that SAFE has approached to Sikkim Governor over the issue who has asked it for a written memorandum on entire matter for better understanding.
Similarly,Thukchuk Lachungpa of Citizen Sikkim Forum in his address raised the point that State Government was cashing on naivety of the people of the Dzongu.He also reiterated that state government has failed in delivering its promises to people as regards to providing maximum employment opportunities to local people in regards to Teesta Stage V project.He added that 20 to 30 thousands labourers would be coming in with these hydel projects,posing the threat of displacement of the approximately 8000 Lepchas in the area.