Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Sikkim under the Hariyali initiative

NewDelhi: Dr. Raghuvansh Prasad Singh, Minister for Rural Development today reviewed the ongoing Integrated Wasteland Development Programme (IWDP), Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP) and Desert Development Programme (DPP) of the 4 States, i.e. Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Manipur and Sikkim. The Minister emphasised to streamline and step up the pace of execution of Area Development Programmes under the Hariyali initiative. The Secretary/Principal Secretary, In-charge of these programmes must ensure continuous monitoring & follow up action in execution of these programmes in the respective States. He asked to ensure the online reporting of the progress made so far. The Minister also highlighted the issue relating to capacity building and dedicated machinery for executing the programme, both at the State as well as at National level. He also advised that wherever the NREGA is in progress, necessary convergence between the schemes of Employment Guarantee Programmes and the Area Development Programme be ensured at the ground level. Earlier, Shri Bhaskar Chatterjee, Additional Secretary in the Deptt. of Land Resources, while welcoming the Minister apprised of the progress made by the participating States in the meeting. This meeting was an on-going process of the quarterly progress made by the States under the Hariyali initiative of the Ministry.