Monday, May 14, 2007

Trulshik Rinpoche arrives at Namchi, Sikkim

Namchi: Trulshik Rinpoche Ngawang Chokyi Lodro, revered as one of the senior most and consummate Dharma Masters of Tibetan Buddhism, arrived in Namchi, South to a grand welcome and reception by a throng of the devotee from all over the state. As he alighted from helicopter at Assangthang Helipad at around 2.10 PM Sunday afternoon, the Rinpoche was accorded a warm and traditional welcome by the devotees who have spent the past week in preparation of his anticipated visit.
The south district HQ of Namchi witnesses a significant increase in the number of the visitors and devotees from all over the sikkim and neighbouring region.

From the Helipad, the Rinpoche was escorted to Serdup Choeling Monastery at Ahalay, Namchi where another warm reception awaited him from the monks and the devotees. Trulshil Rinpoche offered prayers inside the monastery, along with the monks who have accompanied him from DehraDun.

The visit has been organised by the South District Duechen Tshogpawith the support of the state government of sikkim.
Speaking to media later Organising committee member Buddha Tshering Lama informed that the Rinpoche would make an offering of "cho" worth Rs.1lakh at Samdruptse on 15& 16 May,while the "kawang" programme would be held on 17,18, and 19th May here at the Serdup Choeling Monastery itself. On 20th May,the Rinpoche is scheduled to visit Ngadak Monastery in Upper Ghurpisey where he would also conduct the' bhumi puja' for the construction of new monastery.And on 21 May, he is going to visit Namdroling Monastery at Boomitar where he shall perform another Puja. Following which, on 22 May, he is scheduled for a visit to Khecheopari Lake in West Sikkim.

Born in 1923 in Yardok Taklung in Central Tibet, Trulshik Rinpoche Nagawang Chokyi Lodro was recognised as the reincarnation ofTerton ( Treasure Revealer)Trulshik Dongak Lingpa by Ngawang Tenzin Norbu, a great Yogi popularly known as ' Rongbuk Sangay" in the Everest region, both in Tibet and on the frontier region of Solu Khumbu in Nepal.