Monday, May 14, 2007


GANGTOK, May 13: This Mother’s Day came as a fresh opportunity for the women’s wing of Sikkim Pradesh Congress Committee to voice its gripe against the SDF heedlessness towards women folk of the state.
Marking the International Mother’s Day being chaired by Ms Dawa Lhamu Targain, President to SPCC Women Wing today recalled the anguish of the mothers of late Taraman Chettri and Pemba Lepcha along with Sristika and Dipsika of Rhenock who were reportedly killed three years back still awaiting justice.
Ms Dawa Lhamu Targain opined that though central government is granting enough money for women upliftment in Sikkim, the SDF government has no vision to utilize the fund except to invest budget nurturing beauticians and opening beauty parlors in the state.
She also voiced her wonder as why so many beauticians are needed in the state when the state basically lacks adequate number of nurses, stenos and even good lady physicians.
Ms Targain took the opportunity to criticized the SDF government for not catering to the essential needs of school children all over Sikkim through apt catering of mid-day meals. Thereby she invited all mothers of the state to look into their child’s nutrition in mid-day meals along with good education and adequate physical exercise amenities in schools together with equipped library and laboratory facilities.
The President to SPCC women wing also attributed respects to former Prime Minister of India late Ms Indira Gandhi as a great mother not only to her children but to the entire country, which according to Ms Targain, was because of Ms Gandhi’s sacrifice and farsightedness.
(sikkim express)