Monday, July 16, 2007


LandOwners & Panchayats of Upper Dzongu Welcomes Government of Sikkim 's Tough Stand on Paanan Project.

Gangtok:The Protesters under the banner of Affected Citizens of Teesta (ACT) completes 27 days of hunger now.
The fasting ACT members are demanding that all mega hydroelectricity projects, coming up in the Lepcha reserve of Dzongu in North Sikkim, be scrapped and the government review all other projects in the state.
Despite several appeals by the government , the fasting youths are not willing to give up so soon until their goals are fulfilled. Those on the fast have been bolstered by support not only from within their community in Dzongu, but from across the country but hunger strike by duo Dawa & Tshering nearing almost a month has already started showing its effects on their deteriorating health as both of them are now under medical observations at STNM hospital in Gangtok. meanwhile, tough stand taken by Government of Sikkim to continue with the implementation of the Panaan Hydro Project in Dzongu has been welcomed by the landowners and Panchayats of Upper Dzongu 'whole heartily'. The government statement has stressed on the need of such projects and the ensuing economic benefits to the people as well as government leading to further development of state and its people. A press release issued by the Pintso Namgyal Lepcha on behalf of allthe landowners and Panchayats as well as Project Level Welfare Committee,Upper Dzongu expressed "sincere gratitude towards Chief Minister as well as Dzongu MLA". The press release further informs that this support of landowners and Panchayats would continue till the completion of the project.

(All Photos Courtesy: Weeping Sikkim)