Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Sikkim Police: Debating patrol

The police headquarters (Reserve Lines) emerged victorious in the second annual debate competition on human rights organised by Sikkim police on 31March at Gangtok. Gopal Pathak, also from same branch was adjudged as the best speaker of the competition.The debate competition has been organised as per the guidelines and parameters provided by National Human Rights Commission with the theme being-does implementation of human rights make Sikkim police a stronger or a weaker force.The six police teams from four districts, Sikkim Armed Police (SAP) and police headquarters had participated in the debate. All the two member contestants made strong presentation during the debate. Ultimately, the police headquarters edged past SAP after both teams had tied in the final points of tally given by a three member panel of judges. South district police however secured third position.Sikkim police DGP C M Ravindran who had chaired the competition gave away cash awards and certificates to the winners. Speaking on the occasion, the DGP said that it was encouraging to see that there was a lot of awareness about human rights among the grass root levels of Sikkim police.“Our motto is to protect the weak and serve the people. The more awareness our boys have at thana level, the better we can serve the people”, said Ravindran. It’s also the job of supervisory levels that our boys behave so that people’s rights are not violated, he added.
(VJ Gurung ,TheStatesman)