Sunday, April 15, 2007


  • Oct 4, 1888 British Take the Sikkim Capital .
  • Nov 17, 1903 By the'-Che-Foo convention, ratified in 1885, Great Britain secured the right to send a mission across the Indian frontier to Thibet. By Article IV. of the convention of 18SS, Great Britain, yielding to Chinese entreaties, waived this right. By the convention relating to SIKKIM and Thibet signed at Calcutta In March, the .frontier was delimited, trade be-. tween India and Thibet was to be facili- tated, and Ya-Tung was to be opened as a trade raart. Ya-Tung was opened in May, 'isw. name Ta-Tung means hole-in-the- and the place contained not a sin- gl...
  • Sep 9, 1904 Everybody who ha.s traveled across the Nathu-Kt says it is far easier than the Jolap, and the fi'onder is that in the past it has not been more fre- quently used by the Thibetans and others interested In trade.' The pass is now being most successfully used by what is' known as -the SIKKIM trans- port, a corps of coolies and hired ani- mals organized by Claude White, po- litical SIKKIM. Mr. White .and the officers .under him have, indeed, done so well and -landed such an aston- ishing quantity ,of stores in Chumbi without mishap that the Nathu-la route ha...
  • Aug 7, 1904 Graham Sandberg's "Itinerary OF THE Route from Sikkim to LHASA," published In 1900, and THE third and most recent Map was compiled by Lieut Col
  • Sep 9, 1907 Frail Bamboo Bridges on Rivers of Sikkim.This insecure looking bridge is a sample of those in common use in Sik-kim. It is made entirely of bamboo and cane; thin strips support the thin bam-boo poles that form the footpath.
  • Jul 19, 1908 Prince Sidkyong Tulku, heir apparent" of the of Sikkim, a Tibetan principality, who is here for a fortnight ! on an .'round-the-World tour, relaxed a bit
  • Jul 21, 1908 Heir of the Maharajah of Sikkim Amazed at New York Dentists' Charges
  • Mar 19, 1910 Raj Kumar of Sikkim, it appears, acts as the intermediary between the British government and the Dalai Lama, and he believes that it is quite true that the ambition of China is to turn Tibet practically into a Chinese province. The Dalai Lama meanwhile will await news of the state...
  • Feb 25, 1910 ENGLAND TO PROTECT LAMATibetan Pope Will Be Given a House in Calcutta. Head of the Buddhist Faith Escapes to India After a Long Running Fight With Chinese.
  • Calcutta, British India, Feb. 24 ,1910-- The Dalai Lama, the supreme head of the Lamaist hierarchy, who fled from Lassa on the approach of the Chinese troops, has escaped into Sikkim, a state of India to the south of Tibet and adjoining Darjiling, the British district, in which the fugitive will seek an asylum.
  • Mar 13, 1912 DALAI LAMA MAY DELAY DARJILING, India.--The chief secretary of the Tashi Lama has arrived here and announces that he was sent with an urgent message advising the Dalai Lama to return to Tibet. In view, however, of recent developments in the situation he considerd it wiser to advise him to proceed to Gantok, in Sikkim, and to remain there for the present
  • Dec 26, 1914 Maharaja of SIKKIM Dead. London, Dee. 25. A telegram from Calcutta announces the death of His Highness Sidkang Tulka, maharaja of SIKKIM, in the eastern Himalyas. He succeeded his lather, the late Sir Thotub Mangyal only a few months ago. Sidkank was the first ruler of his remote state to.
  • Jan 28, 1915 "His highness, Kumar Sidkeong Tulku, maharajah of SIKKIM is Cable dispatch. The Maharajah of SIKKIM, x With a syncopated name, Has ventured into history. On nomenclatural fame Oh. Kumar Sidkeong Tulku' Oh, Maharajah grand. As sub-king of old SIKKIM You ruled a heathen land. Oh, Kumar, maharajah. Oh, Sidkeong gone
  • May 25, 1928 TORTURED IN TIBET, ROERICH IS SAFE; First Word in Year Received From Professor ROERICH sent From Sikkim--and Received here at ... Expedition started IN 1924 From Sikkim through Punjab, Kashmir, Ladak
  • June 30, 1930, Monday H. Hoerlin of Germany and E. Schneider of Austria have ascended Dodang Peak, 22,700 feet, the highest point ... REACH DODANG PEAK ON HIMALAYA CLIMB; Hoerlin and Schneider Conquer 22,700-Foot Summit Between Sikkim and Tibet. STEPS CUT UP ICE WALL Picks Were Bent Round in Their Effort to Reach Knife-Like Ridge Leading to Top.

  • Jul 14, 1930 This little State, perched on the top of the world on the main axis of the Himalayas, sustained the brunt of earthquake.
  • Mar 7, 1933
    EVEREST CLIMBERS PUSH ON TO GANTOK; Advance Party to Pitch Camp at Gantok. GANTOK is the capital of Sikkim, and Gautsa, situated in a defile of the same name, is 12000 feet above sea Level. in the Advance Party ARE Colin G
  • Dec 17, 1933 The 13th Dalai Lama passed away in Lhasa on December 17, 1933, at the age of 58. During his lifetime, he led the Tibetans to resist two British invasions and fight the national oppression policy of the Qing imperial court. Later, he showed a tendency to oppose the Han and support the British. But he didn't go to extremes. In his later years, he made efforts to restore and improve ties with the Central Government. The 13th Dalai Lama was diligent in his religious studies and had a good command of Buddhism. His classical works were loved by all. His life earned him great esteem among the broad masses of Tibetans.
  • Feb 20, 1938 British Expedition Lays Plans To Climb Mt. Everest in April .Other Members are en route, and the Party will Assemble shortly at Kalimpong, preparatory To marching up through Sikkim To the site of their base camp, ..
  • Oct 14, 1939 SURE ON NEW DALAI LAMA; Tibetan Cabinet Replies to British Government&...A telegram received by THE political officer at Sikkim from THE Kashag [Tibetan Cabinet] expresses THE conviction that THE boy now
  • Feb 4, 1940 BRITISH KEEP EYE ON THE DALAI LAMA; RULER OF TIBET: For all her troubles Britain has time to glance occasionally at a dignified, serene 6-year-old peasant boy, Llamo Dhondup, fourteenth Dalai Lama of the monastic kingdom of Tibet.
  • February 23, 1940, Friday LHASA, Tibet, Feb 22--Wearing a scarlet cloak and riding through reverent crowds in a great golden palanquin, a 6-year-old Chinese peasant boy today was enthroned as the fourteenth Dalai Lama, chief civil and religious ruler of this monastic kingdom.
  • Oct 9, 1948 It took the Tibet trade mission 18 days on horseback to travel the 200 miles from Lhasa, just north of the Himalayas, to Sikkim, a railhead in northern India