Tuesday, April 17, 2007

E-Readiness Assessment Report released

The Third 'E-Readiness Assessment Report ' released by the Department of Information Technology (DIT), Government of India at the 10th national conference on 'e-governance' on Friday, has ranked Andhra Pradesh as the first, followed by Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala in second, third and fourth positions respectively. Whereas, Madhya Pradesh – the host of the conference has been ranked 21 st among 35 states & union territories.
While, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala improved its rankings from fourth, third and eleventh respectively in 2003, Karnataka and MP slide down from first and 12 th. The position of MP in the E-Readiness Reports 2003 and 2004 were 12 and 14 respectively, which has drastically come down to 21. Chhattisgarh's ranking shows improvement, as from 19 th in 2003, it has achieved 16 th in the current report. The states to have ranked fifth to tenth positions are respectively Chandigarh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Delhi, Harayana and Goa.
As per the state-wise E-Readiness Index category, which is based on environment, readiness and usage - all the four southern states, Chandigarh and Maharashtra have been designated as the 'Leaders', whereas, MP and Chhattisgarh in the category of 'Average Achiever'. Barring Sikkim, which is an 'Average Achiever' – the rest of the North East states are in the 'Least Achiever' category. The states ranked between seventh to tenth are the 'Aspiring Leaders'.
The e-Readiness Index in the E-Readiness Assessment Report prepared by the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) reflects the capacity of a state to participate in the networked economy in relation to the country at large. The framework of analysis is based upon three important stakeholders – individuals, business and governments in the development & use of Information, Communication & Technologies (ICT); degree of usage of ICT by the stakeholders and a general macroeconomic and regulatory environment for ICT in which the stakeholders play out their respective roles. E-Readiness study has increasingly become popular and a platform to compare different level of state development.