MANGAN, August 12: The North Sikkim Highway at Sankalang Bridge towards Dzongu was blocked till 11:45 am this morning following landslides triggered by last night’s torrential rains.
The Panchayats and the public of Dzongu chipped in to clear the slush when they were told that GREF was unable to clear the stretch due to lack of technical equipment.
Speaking to this Correspondent, the public of Dzongu raised concern on the lack of technical equipment with GREF especially during emergencies like landslides.
“We are sorry to say that the GREF has still not repaired the foundation walls of both the road and Sankalang Bridge, which were damaged last year,” they said.
The people were also of the opinion that the State Government authorities should also monitor such kind of carelessness which may invite big disaster in rainy season.