Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Fearing Fatal Complications, STNM doctors put Dawa and Tenzing on supplementary liquid diet
photo: Dawa & Tenzing with Ryle's Tube

Gangtok:Dawa Lepcha & Tenzing Lepcha on the 42nd days of their indefinite hunger strike were today put on Ryle’sTube – a plastic pipe used for feeding through the nose directly into the stomach. Although Dawa & Tenzing agreed to this mode of feeding only for receiving lifesaving nutrition because they continue to refuse any oral feed therefore their hunger-strike and satyagraha continues uninterrupted and their lives and health are not immediately risked to any unwarranted fatalities .
DR. Namgyal T.Sherpa, Medical Officer at STNM Hospital, Gangtok confirmed that the present option was recommended by him when the latest medical reports on the two youths suggesting that their conditions were deteriorating rapidly and the risk of fatal organs failure of duo were increased highly.
“I spoke to them last evening and updated them on their medical conditions and informed them of the only option available to avoid permanent damage or any fatal injuries to organs apart from breaking their hunger strike was nasal feeding. The two discussed the situation and agreed to our suggestion of Ryle’s Tube. This was a mutual consent between a physician and his patient”-Dr. Sherpa explained.
“Earlier We admitted them every time they showed sign of breakdowns and when their conditions improved,We would discharge them from Hospital like any other patients but last time they were brought in their health conditions continued to deteriorate rapidly and their stay in hospital was prolonged “,he added.
Confirming that duo were still refusing to oral feed,Dr. Namgyal added till such time the two started eating orally ,they would have to remain in the hospital as they have to be provided life saving nutrition through Ryle’s Tube.
“There were full chances that their kidneys and livers might fail as the intravenous fluids administered on them were not providing them the required protein and vitamins,” informed the Doctor explaining further need to put them on the present arrangement.
Now, Duo Dawa and Tenzing are at present stable and the blood pressure too has stabilized to normal levels.
As for what the both were being supplemented With ,Dr.Sherpa informed,that hospital dietitian had calculated the calories and worked a liquid diet of 1000ml. for the Satyagrahis to be infused every 24 hours besides the intravenous fluid already being administered.
“we shall slowly increase the nasal fluids and slowly do away with intravenous.This was an urgent requirement because they reached a stage where fatal complications could have developed “sated Dr. Namgyal.
He further mentioned that during initial days of strike, both of them regularly complained of vomiting ,headaches, fever and other bodily ailments and were brought to the hospital frequently.