Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Sikkim Celebrates Drukpa Tseshi

Drukpa Tseshi ( 4th day, 6th Tibetan month, 27 July, 2001)Prayers at the main Monasteries in Sikkim to celebrate Buddhas first teaching of the Four Noble Truths.

Buddhist festival celebrated to mark the first teaching of Buddha at Saranath. Religious prayers are held in all the monasteries of Sikkim with offerings of butter lamps. The highlight of the occasion is Yak race at Muguthang in Lonak valley, North Sikkim, which is a colourful and rare event.

Governor V. Ramarao and Chief Minister Dr. Pawan Chamling have greeted the people of Sikkim on the occasion of Drukpa Tseshi, an important festival of the Buddhists of the world. The day is important for the Buddhist people because Lord Buddha had first given his sermon to his five disciples at Sarnath. After attaining the knowledge of bliss and enlightenment, Lord Buddha had started to preach the Dharma. On the occasion, the Buddhist people offer prayer at monasteries all over the world. In Sikkim too, people offered prayer on the occasion