Monday, July 30, 2007

The Impasse Continues as ACT responds

Gangtok:The impasse into which talks between ACT (Affected Citizens of Teesta) and the State Government collapsed on 26July continues.Although sources informs of back channel dialogues between the two sides.The only official communication since the State Government announced that it did not believe negotiations were possible anymore,has been from ACT by way of a response to Chief Secretary's letter.Although this letter leaves the door for dialogue open,it is a far cry from the amiable communique that followed every round of talks earlier.

In a letter dt.27th July,ACT President Athup Lepcha responds to all points raised by Chief Secretary in his letter of a day earlier.

The letter states that the ACT has no objection to the composition of the review committee as long as Chairman of the Review Committee is an independent person of known integrity and that the committee has nominees of ACT as per their resolutions dated.25July 2007.The resolution in question has nominated six members names from ACT to be considered for membership of Review Committee.

This has been one of the points of contention with the State Government insisting that the Committee be representative of all people of Dzongu and not unduly tilted in ACT's favour.

The letter also records that ACT considers it "unfortunate"that the state government 'citing reasons which beyond our control', feels that fruitful discussions are not possible.Reminding that ACT has 'welcomed and accepted' the contents of the letter dated 25 July2007 (in which the review committee was offered),the letter adds that the request for a Notification was a 'legitimate request' and an 'emanation's the assurance to set up a Review Committee.

On the State Government's contention that one member of the ACT delegation to the talks at Samman Bhawan on 25 July had shouted that "Bomb Blast" could occur now', the ACT president states that it was unfortunate if such a mention was indeed made by one of its members.
"It is a matter of serious concern", Mr. Lepcha writes,while adding that ACT has no knowledge of it and that it would have been appropriate if the immediate action has been taken by the authorities at that point of time so that identity of person could have been established in order to prevent such recurrence".
Taking this incident and referring to some others,the State Government had contended that ACT have been infiltrated by undesirable elements whose presence made negotiations and resolution impossible.
Returning the gesture,the ACT letter draws attention towards a pamphlet being circulated against ACT and has urged the State Government to' immediately investigate into the matter printed in it and take strict action on the publishers and printers of such publication which threatens the lives of the Indigenous Aborigines of State of Sikkim.
On the suggestion that ACT has been infiltrated by anti-social elements and is influenced by the 'vested interests and outside forces' ,the ACT president records that even "ACT is gravely 'concerned' by such possibilities and has 'cautioned' its members against such elements".

"We trust that State Government would take utmost precaution in this regards," the letter adds.

The point that name of the organisation has mentioned as Affected Citizens of 'Sikkim" in the letter head carrying ACT's response on July25 ,The ACT president clarifies that it was a 'typographically error made inadvertently' and as for the road blockade on the national highway,ACT clarifies that this was beyond their jurisdiction and was as how of peaceful solidarity by the Lepchas of the neighboring state.
Addressing the apprehension expressed by the Chief Secretary on the 'likelihood of the ACT protest being used by 'anti-national and anti-state forces' to serve their vested interests' Mr.Lepcha writes...'we trust your apprehensions expressed in the said para under reply are not attributed to anyone of us including all concerned citizens who have consistently supported our just cause'.
"The government is equipped with resources to investigate and proceed against the anti-social/anti-national elements and we call upon the government to act expeditiously in this regards in the larger interests of our society and the nation."the ACT letter reads.
Reminding that delay 'beyond reasonable period' in notifying the Review Committee assured would compromise the 'assurance given by the Chief Minister on July25,the ACT president requests that 'in the interests of the state and our two valiant sincere youths,the basis issue and the efforts of so many well meaning people to find amicable solution should not be hampered by technicalities or personal agendas of some people involved.'

Reiterating that ACT remained committed to its choice of nonviolent protest by way of Satyagrah, the letter adds that it was "fully prepared to face consequences of its 'search for truth and justice' and adds that under the circumstances ,the present dispensation in the administration and the political leadership should be responsible if the glorious image of the Sikkim as peaceful state is tarnished owing to the violation the basis democratic and Human Rights of the Indigenous Primitive Aborigines of the State'.
"Further,the state administration shall be entirely responsible in the event of the peaceful movement of the innocent and peace loving people is scuttled or disturbed in any manner by person or groups or anti-social,anti-national elements" the letter states.
The ACT president counters that a 'peaceful solution' to the issue has not been reached due to delay by Government (a charge that Chief Secretary has also levied against ACT),and warns that if anything were to happen to the two youths continuing their hunger strike at STNM Hospital,the Government would be responsible (again a charge which has also been reflected upon ACT by state Government).
The letter finally also clarifies that the appeal to the Central Empowered Committee for a stay on the environment clearance given to Panan HEP has been filed as it perceived that it violates the orders of the Supreme Court with full faith in the judiciary.On the other hand the relief requested from the state government is for maintaining the sanctity of Dzongu in view of Article 371F.
The hunger strike led by ACT general secretary Dawa Lepcha and 20-year-old Tenzing Lepcha has entered the 40th day today. The two are continuing their fast at Sir Thutob Namgyal Memorial Hospital where they are admitted. Both are suffering from high fever, headaches and nausea, sources said.

(courtesy:Now Daily)