Monday, May 14, 2007

Unitus Announces New Partnerships For Sikkim

Partnerships to Provide Life-Changing Microfinance Services for Sikkim & North East India.
Bangalore: Unitus, a worldwide leader in scaling innovative solutions to global poverty, today announced partnerships with three microfinance institutions in India: Adhikar, IIRM and Vardan Trust. Unitus will play a key role in accelerating the growth of each institution, so that by 2010 they will together serve more than 666,000 clients with life-changing microcredit loans and other financial services. Unitus empowers the working poor to improve their own lives by rapidly expanding the supply of financial services such as microcredit loans, insurance and savings products. Unitus identifies promising microfinance partners, and provides them with consulting advice and financial support, including loans, grants and guarantees. Through its proven acceleration model, Unitus’s microfinance partners have been able to expand their loan outreach eight times faster than similar institutions. As of March 2007, the Unitus portfolio of partners is providing economic and social empowerment to more than 1.7 million working poor and their families in India, Kenya, Mexico, Argentina, the Philippines and Indonesia.

-- Focusing on microfinance since 2006, the Institute of Integrated Resource Management (IIRM) offers a range of innovative products such as crop loans, income-generating loans, education loans and micro-insurance. IIRM has more than 6,000 clients and currently operates in the northeastern states of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, but plans to expand to all seven states in India’s northeast as well as the Himalayan region of Sikkim.
By 2010 IIRM plans to serve more than 150,000 clients.