Sunday, July 15, 2007

Bhanu Jayanti observed in Singtam


Singtam,July13: Over 5,000 persons, including students, government officials and members of various organisations assembled at Singtam today to celebrate the 193rd birth anniversary of Bhanu Bhakta Acharya, an eminent Nepali writer. Members of the Bhanu Jayanti Samaroh Samity 2007 put white scarfs or khadas on the the statue of Bhanu Bhakta Acharya at Singtam. Later, a colourful mass rally was taken out from Bhanu Path to Golitar, a three-kilometre stretch. Thousands of people participated in the rally, wearing traditional dresses and carrying placards. Ramayana reciting competition, poetry competition, cultural dance competition and singing competition were also organised to mark the day. Students from 21 schools of the state participated in these competitions, witnessed by hundreds of people from various parts of the state. “We celebrate this day in a grand manner because Bhanu Bhakta Acharya was a maestro of Nepali literature. We would never ever forget his contributions to the Nepali language,” state agriculture minister Mr Somnath Poudyal who is also the president of Bhanu Jayanti Samaaroh Samity 2007, said.

The organisers of the event felicitated five persons ~ Mr Jas Yonzon Pyasi, Mr Ghan Shayam Nepal, Mr San jay Agrawal, Mr MS Khan and Mr Bindeswar Prashad ~ for their contributions in promoting the Nepali language. Books and Cd's on Bhanu Bhakta’s popular works were also released on the occasion.