A PHOTO FEATURE: Himachal Pradesh Fisheries Department
Hon’ble Chief Minister Sikkim, Mr. Pawan Kumar Chamling and his team officials being received at Trout Farm Patlikuhl, Distt. Kullu
Mr. B.D. Sharma, Deputy Director of Fisheries, explaining to distinguished guest the production level achieved at the farm
Showing their catch trout in the hands of Honoured guest
Sikkim Team members making queries about the feed ingredient of trout Hon’ble Chief Minister alongwith the officials during visit to Patlikuhl Trout Farm
Distinguished guest being briefed at the farm by Deputy Director of Fisheries
Hon’ble Chief Minister Sikkim, Mr. Pawan Kumar Chamling and his team officials being received at Trout Farm Patlikuhl, Distt. Kullu
Mr. B.D. Sharma, Deputy Director of Fisheries, explaining to distinguished guest the production level achieved at the farm
Showing their catch trout in the hands of Honoured guest
Sikkim Team members making queries about the feed ingredient of trout Hon’ble Chief Minister alongwith the officials during visit to Patlikuhl Trout Farm
Distinguished guest being briefed at the farm by Deputy Director of Fisheries
Hon’ble Chief Minister, Sikkim examining trout specimen at the farm
Mr. B.D. Sharma explaining about seed rearing details to Hon’ble Chief Minister of Sikkim