Head down to MG market and down down to Lal Bazaar where we found cozy little Potala Restaurant for best momos. "Aju ta pork try garnu parla jasto chha ho!" exclaimed Dawa. "Soup pauncha? Soup?" inquired Choeden because she has been fedup with momos in Kathmandu where they won't serve soups. MG market as always, was crowded with maruti vans and taxis. The footpath too was crowded and we were growing impatient for hot steaming momos. We pushed through crowds, rushing to get the momos at our earliest, a bit worried too because there are not so many tables there. We hurried down the steps of Lal Bazaar and booooom! we entered the Potala. We were lucky enough to find two tables adjacent to each other completely empty. We took our seats and Dawa made a huge order "6 plates beef momo Dajyu! ani four plates pork momo!" "Pork momo chhaina bahini!" came an unpleasant answer. But the waiter was kind enough to say "Bahira bata magauchu ni!" and soon the sauji gave a telephone call to another restaurant. Ha ha!" hot steaming momos started to arrive. This was the moment we were waiting for. This was the moment of truth for Dawa and all of us. Everyone looked so cheerful. The sauji also looked at us with his huge surprised eyes. We all had tummy full of beef momo, mula ko achaar and delicious bone soups. I was so delighted that I even forgot who actually paid the bill in the end. All I could see was we were ready to leave now and head back home and enjoy some pan!
(A tourist's tale)