Friday, April 13, 2007

TNA Almuni to hostvfarewell party for retired teachers

Gangtok April 12: The Tashi Namgyal Academy Alumni Association has decided to organise a farewell party for retired teachers & staff of TNA on 06th May 2007 at the TNA School Auditorium.
A realese to press informs that the Association has made the decision at the meeting held on 03 April 2007 attened by its members and chaired by Association president Tshering Tashi. The meeting also resulted in formation of a farewell committee which has requested to all ex-students of TNA to come forward and donate generously for farewell function expenses.

The meeting also announced that the election of new executive body of organisation is tentatively scheduled for May 06 however details of same is yet to be finalised.

The Association has invited all ex-students to join alumni association as its life members.

The next interim meeting would be held on 16 th april 2007 at Hotel Rendezvous, Gangtok at 5pm.