Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Surging Singtam River damages houses

GANGTOK, 07 June: Heavy overnight downpour, recorded at 118 mm over Gangtok on Sunday night, inundated the East district with a slew of slides and damages, and apart from damage to public and private property, also caused one fatality [in Lower Samdong, read accompanying report].
The district authorities were kept busy through the day today as its officials rushed from one affected location to the other.
Apart from the one death, a substantial hit was taken by Singtam where eight houses were damaged due to increase in the water level of the Rani Khola there. The site was visited by the SDM [East] Dr AB Karki and his team along with officials from the Irrigation Department.

The SDM informs that increase in the water level of the river severely damaged four houses and another four have reported minor damages. The river was still flowing strong and hitting against the already compromised retaining wall raised from the bank itself.
He informed that the water level of the river is still higher than the normal and current strong, which was affecting the restoration works underway at the spot. This section, it may be recalled, was affected a few weeks back when portions of the retaining wall were carried away by the Rani Khola. Repairs are still underway here, and now a new problem.
He further informed that since the fast current was not allowing the repairs to continue smoothly, a team from the Irrigation Department is scheduled to visit the spot on Tuesday and try and “slightly divert” the flow to allow the repairs and restoration work to continue.
The affected families have shifted to safer places already.
The area MLA Am Prasad Sharma also visited the area and directed that proper lighting be ensured at the affected area for the safety of the people.

(Now Daily)

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