Wednesday, June 01, 2011

IInd Phase of Sikkim Chief Minister Pawan Chamling's tour begins

Sikkim CM’s tour resumes after a week’s halt

GANGTOK: After a weeklong halt, the 40 days marathon of the Chief Minister Pawan Chamling resumed from 31st May which was joined by almost all the Ministers, MLA’s, the head of the department and officials of different departments.

The Chief Minister  started his visit from Barfung Constituency covering Lingyong, Rayong Tinkitam, Lamaten Tingmoo, GPU and Golitar.

Sikkim CM in his opening address said that the Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF) Party has completed its 17 years of governance in Sikkim and has stepped into the 18th year and since seventeen years the government is working towards uplifting the state from poverty and today Sikkim is free from the traps of poverty.

The Chief Minister Chamling further added that now the reason behind poverty in the state is that people have not been able to utilize their capacity to reduce poverty to the fullest. Productive hard work is the answer to the poverty, the Chief Minister said. Talking about the various demands placed by the people the Chief Minister asked the public not to count on the quantity of works sanctioned and implemented rather to stress on the quality of the work which is being implemented in the village.

Addressing upon the economy of the state Chief Minister said that the eminent economist (Noble laureate) Amartya Sen has stated numerous points in regards to sustainable economy in his books, and his dreams has been practically implemented in Sikkim today and urged the citizens across the state to adopt some sustainable means of service by which the people can uplift their living standard and economy as well.

Sikkim is the only state across the nation which is well connected with roads and our government by providing roads connectivity in state does not aim only at the increase in physical standard but also feels that the connectivity of roads will increase the mental and knowledge standards of the people of state at large added CM.
Sikkim CM in his address informed the people that 6000 concrete houses will be constructed with in a span of six months time under Chief Minister housing scheme across the state specially focusing the house less citizens and added that the government also aims of making Sikkim a kutchha house free state. With regards to the construction of houses CM urged the department concerned to provide all the necessary clearance with a feeling of help and stated that no citizens must be hindered or obstructed during the providing of clearance certificate.

Whereas in regards to the construction of roads in the state which is hindered due to lack of forest clearance certificate CM urged the concerned department’s officials including secretary to avail the clearance certificate as soon as possible with out any delay.

Chief Minister addressing the students of government schools said that numerous schemes have been carried out by the government for the students in state currently but to avail that the students needs to be competitive along with hard working and under this schemes the children of the poorest families in the state can avail quality education in public schools with in the state as well as outside considering the brighter future of the state in days ahead.

Chief Minister Pawan Chamling in regards to his door to door visit said that the whole government is in a marathon ,visiting every villages across the state with all its implementing agencies to view all its developmental works conduced so far along with to know the persisting problems of the people and their grievance. Adding more CM said that such initiatives of the government is first of its kind in the nation and is also a sign of direct democracy too. All the grievances, demands put forward by the people, citizens of the visited area today were granted approval on the spot by the CM.

The women cooperative wing member of Lamaten Tingmoo Ms. Lakpa Chuki Sherpa, an unemployed youth in regards to the cooperative society movement started by the ruling government expressing her happiness said that the cooperative society movement has provided an opportunity to the unemployed youths with a way of being employed and engaged in service sector independently. Furthermore Ms. Sherpa said that the profit that is made out of the allocated work, contract is distributed amongst the members which have eventually uplifted the needy and the poor alike. Ms. Sherpa in regards to the visit of the CM under the door to door visit said that it is his greatness and love for the poor which is really being proved by this marathon.

Furthermore the demands like the construction of new roads, approach roads, village tourism, animal husbandry, supply of drinking water and construction of kishan bazaar were the major ones amongst other demands put forward by the people today.

(Sikkim Mail)

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