Saturday, May 21, 2011

West Bengal team scale Mount Kanchenjunga

Krishnagar, May 20 (PTI) Debasish Biswas and Basanta Singharoy today climbed Mount Kanchenjunga, the third highest peak in the world and the highest in the country. The duo, who had scaled Mount Everest in May last year, reached the summit along with three sherpas at 7:30 am, vice-president of Mountaineering Association of Krishnagar (MAK) Ashok Roy said. Biswas and Singharoy are the members of MAK and are based in Nadia district of West Bengal. Roy claimed they are the first civilian Indians to have reached the Kanchenjunga (8586 mt). The mountain is in Sikkim but climbing is not allowed from the state as Sikkimese people treat it as God. So Biswas and Singharoy started climbing the mountains on March 28 taking Nepal's Medibung route. The final assault began last evening and success finally came this morning, Roy said

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