Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Recovering Users Network (RUN) appeal to open rehab centre in Sikkim

Gangtok: 28th May:The Recovering Users Network (RUN) a non government organization has appealed the State Government to amend some sections of SADA 2006 during a press conference held on 27th May in the capital.
While addressing media advisor RUN Mr. KC Nema said that they have come forward open and straight to support the dreams and visions of the Chief Minister Pawan Chamling of make Sikkim a drug free state. Adding more Mr. Nema informed that Sikkim Anti Drug Act (SADA), 2006 is a step taken by the government to curb drug menace in the State and from the day of its enactment the act has served as an instrument towards the goal of a drug free State. RUN has however expressed their apprehension that some sections of SADA may not be quite at par with the intention of its enactment. Furthermore Mr. Nima stated that we want to support the state government in making
Sikkim a drug free state but the banned medicine are being manufactured in the state like N-10. According to SADA law culprit should be sent to rehabilitation centre where they should be provided with proper counseling as every culprit want to improve them selves, but there are no government rehabilitation centre in state whereby some culprit are unable to pay fees in private rehab centre which is also a factor contributing to the increased rate of drug addiction in the State.
Whereas Dr. Doma Bhutia in her address informed that drugs is becoming a major problem in the state and especially the youths are engaged in this life taking habit. Youth would bring changes any where but the Sikkimese youths are moving towards the wrong direction which needs to be addressed seriously said Dr. Doma. Many SADA case has been registered in state after implementing the SADA Act informed Dr. Doma. Adding further Dr. Doma informed that according to NDPS Act we have to give chance to every culprit those who are arrested under this case for rectification.
Dr. Doma further mentioned that our education system is job oriented and not value added and urged the gathering to address the root cause of the increase in drug addiction in state as well as education system.
The President of RUN Mr. Gyamso Tamang in his address said that imprisonment is not the solution to mitigate the increase in drug addiction in state and appealed the government for establishment of rehab centre and provide the addicted individual a chance to improve as many addicted youth wants to improve themselves but due to lack of government centre the addicted individual are unable to rectify themselves and in private centers most of them are unable to pay the fees.

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